Tag: op ed

Better Utah Op-Ed

Katie Matheson: Parents should not face pandemic alone

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. I’m a parent. And like many parents, I often struggle to know what is best for my kids. That comes with the territory of parenting regardless of global events, but is especially true during a pandemic. My latest challenge — knowing whether or not to send my kid to in-person school

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Katie Matheson: Gatekeepers at the Capitol stop popular bills

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. There are gatekeepers at work in Utah’s government, working behind the scenes to make or break legislation. Some of the bills being held back by these gatekeepers are broadly supported by Utahns, but the guardians of conservative ideology on the Hill are keeping these bills from seeing the light of day

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Commentary: Utah’s new hate crimes law is a complicated victory

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Tuesday, Gov. Gary Herbert proudly signed Utah’s new hate crime bill into law. It was a legislative effort that stalled for a number of years, but grew wings after the infamous attack at Lopez Tires, where a man brutally beat an 18-year-old and his father with a metal

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Guest opinion: Take one small step to prevent gun violence

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. A few years back, I had the opportunity to experience a slice of Canadian gun control first-hand. I was visiting my sister in Ontario for a birthday celebration, and we may have taken the idea of open-door festivities too far because we woke the next morning to

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Commentary: Utah needs to reach across its urban-rural divide

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. In Utah, it pays to be part of the crowd. The state is the ninth most urbanized in the nation, with 90 percent of the people packed together on just 1 percent of the land — mostly along the Wasatch Front. And along the Wasatch Front, business is booming. According to the Utah Economic Council’s 2019 Economic Report to

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Commentary: Some ideas for a constitutional convention

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Recently, Utah state Rep. Merrill Nelson renewed the call for a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States. And a Utah Senate committee recently passed SRJ 9, calling for such a convention. As the nation recovers from its third shutdown in under a year, Nelson argues that the federal government can

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Kanter: Anti-regulatory sound bites are not governing

We live in a world of sound bites. Six-second Vines, 140-character Tweets, and Instagramable infographs are here to stay. Though these brief bits of information may be sufficient for getting elected, they make terrible policy. “Not only are our airwaves burdened by sound bites,” said founder Josh Kanter in a recent Salt Lake Tribune Editorial. “But our

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Op-Ed: Urquhart deserves LGBT praise, but there’s much to be done

Troy Williams, KRCL producer and new Better UTAH board member, warned LGBT Utahns against single issue voting in an op-ed that ran over the weekend in the Salt Lake Tribune. It is true that the LGBT community needs support from thoughtful legislators like Urquhart, but just as Urquhart has weighed the political risk of his actions,

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New OpEd: Utah’s Transparency Problem

Over the past year, despite the public outcry over the anti-transparency HB477, Utah’s Legislature and attorney general have quietly resumed their continuing assault on the principles of open and transparent government. Yet this assault has received little attention. During the 2012 legislative session, Sen. Margaret Dayton, R-Orem, succeeded in passing SB21, which effectively stripped several

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NEW OpEd – Time for Lee to grow up and act like a senator

When we vote for a U.S. senator, the last thing we are hoping he brings to the position is a penchant for embarrassing us. Unfortunately, with Sen. Mike Lee, that seems to be at the top of his skill-set. For the past six months, Utah’s freshman senator has been throwing the political equivalent of a

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