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2025 Legislative Session Bill Tracker
Order | Position | Bill Number and Title | Bill Sponsor | Floor Sponsor | Bill Description | Category | Subcategory | Details |
2 | Support | H.B. 69 Ballot Information Accessibility Amendments | Rep. Stephanie Gricius | Makes it a class B misdemeanor to access election records to determine whether a specific voter or group of voters voted in person, the method by which they voted, or the date on which they voted or returned a ballot. Exempts election officers that are fulfilling duties, complying with court orders, or if requested by the specific voter or group of voters. | Good Government | Elections and Voting Rights | ||
3 | Oppose | H.B. 77 Flag Display Amendments | Rep. Trevor Lee | Limits the types of flags that can be displayed in public schools or charter schools to: the U.S. flag; the Utah state flag; a POW/MIA flag; a flag of an Indian tribe; the flag of a Utah city, county, or municipality; a flag of a Utah college or university; an official public school flag; the flag of a military branch, unit, or division; a flag that is temporarily displayed as part of curriculum; or an organization that is temporarily using the school | Equal Rights | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | ||
4 | Watch | H.B. 81 Flouride Amendments | Rep. Stephanie Gricius | Prohibits adding flouride to public water systems; requires the Department of Health and Human Services to issue standing prescription drug orders for flouride supplements; and requires a pharmacist who dispenses flouride supplements to a patient to provide patient counseling | ||||
5 | Support | H.B. 88 Housing Policy Amendments | Rep. Raymond Ward | Reduces the frequency of moderate income housing progress reports from annually to every three years; allows internal or external accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to be built on lots containing a detached single family dwelling in urban municipalities; and prohibits urban municipalities from prohibiting modular units in residential zones | Strong Communities | Housing Affordability | ||
6 | Support | H.B. 90 Zoning Amendments | Rep. Raymond Ward | Allows for detached single family dwellings to be built on lots of at least 4,000 square feet in residential zones of urban municipalities, and allows for housing to be built in commerical zones of urban municipalities | Strong Communities | Housing Affordability | ||
7 | Support | H.B. 95 Campaign Contribution Revisions | Rep. Michael Petersen | Removes a provision from campaign finance dislosures that exempts a corporation from reporting a campaign expenditure if a reporting entity that receives the expenditure is required to report receipt of the expenditure | Good Government | Transparency | ||
8 | Support | H.B. 100 Food Security Amendments | Rep. Tyler Clancy | Requires the Department of Workforce Services to participate in the federal Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children Program; provides all eligible students with free breakfast and lunch; requires the State Board of Education to reimburse local school districts and charter schools for the cost of providing each meal; prohibits school districts and charter schools from publicly identifying or stigmatizing students who cannot afford meals; and requires communications regarding a student's meal debt to be directed only to the student's parent or guardian | Strong Communities | Economic Justice | ||
9 | Support | H.B. 101 Ballot Proposition Amendments | Rep. Angela Romero | Shifts the responsibilty for writing ballot titles and analysis of constitutional amendments, as well as statewide initiatives and referendums, from partisan legislative leadership back to the nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel; requires that ballot titles and analysis be impartial | Good Government | Elections and Voting Rights | ||
10 | Watch | H.B. 104 Firearm Safety in Schools Amendments | Rep. Rex Shipp | Requires the State Board of Education to establish standards for firearm safety instruction in public schools and requires local school districts and charter schools to provide firearm safety instruction to students every year during grade school, once during middle school, and once during high school; requires emphasis of such instruction be placed on the best practices and guidelines for the safe handling and storage of firearms to prevent accidents and ensure personal safety; and allows for parents to opt out their children of the instruction | ||||
11 | Oppose | H.B. 106 Income Tax Revisions | Rep. Kay Christofferson | Reduces the individual and corporate income tax rate by 0.1%, from 4.55% to 4.45% | Strong Communities | Education | ||
12 | Support | H.B. 132 Firearm Storage Requirements | Rep. Andrew Stoddard | Sets a criminal penalty for when an individual fails to lawfully store the individual's firearm and the firearm is then accessed by a minor in an unlawful manner | Strong Communities | Gun Violence Prevention | ||
13 | Oppose | H.B. 133 Dangerous Weapons Amendments | Rep. Karianne Lisonbee | In addition to a number of other changes and restructuring of firearm laws, this bill allows 18-20 year olds to openly carry loaded firearms in private vehicles, public streets, and any other place not prohibited by law | Strong Communities | Gun Violence Prevention | ||
14 | Support | H.B. 143 Firearm Safety Incentives | Rep. Matt MacPherson | Creates a one-time nonrefundable income tax credit available through the end of 2027 for the purchase of a firearm safety device, safe, gun case, lock box, or other storage device | Strong Communities | Gun Violence Prevention | ||
15 | Oppose | S.B. 73 Statewide Initiative Amendments | Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Updates the requirements for a statewide initiative application to include additional information about how the proposed law will be funded, including whether the proposed law will be funded by a new tax, with a description of the new tax and the tax rate; whether the proposed law will be funded from new revenues, with a description of the amount and source of the new revenues; and whether the proposed law will be funded by existing revenues, with a description of the existing programs that will receive less funding and how much they will be reduced by. | Good Government | Initiatives and Referenda | ||
16 | Oppose | S.J.R. 2 Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - Statewide Initiatives | Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Proposes to amend the Utah Constitution to require 60% approval by voters for a ballot initiative that would impose a new tax, expand an existing tax, increase ann existing tax rate; or cause a propety tax rate to decrease less than it would under current law | Good Government | Initiatives and Referenda | ||
Position | Bill Number and Title | Bill Sponsor | Category | Subcategory |
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