Tag: Fair Redistricting

Lawmakers subvert democracy by voting for incumbency-protection maps

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2021 At the end of a two-day special session, the Utah Legislature finished adopting a set of maps for Congressional, House, Senate, and School Board districts, all of which have been grossly gerrymandered and none of which were recommended by the Independent Redistricting Commission created by Utah voters

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Better Utah urges lawmakers to adopt Independent Commission Maps

PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 1, 2021 Salt Lake City, UT – The Utah Independent Redistricting Commission, created through a voter-approved proposition in 2018, presented its slate of recommended maps to the Legislative Redistricting Committee. During the meeting, Chase Thomas, executive director for Alliance for a Better Utah, gave the following public comment urging lawmakers to

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Who really cares about fair voting maps?

For weeks, two groups have been touring the state talking to the public about redistricting: the Utah Independent Redistricting Committee (UIRC) and the Legislative Redistricting Committee (LRC).  They might be easy to confuse at first. On the surface, they seem similar. But it only took a few hours watching them in action to make their

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How do we get fair districts and keep communities together?

Every ten years, the lines for our voting districts are drawn. Depending on how the maps are made, the lines can strengthen or separate a community. When a community is sliced apart, their voices are minimized, and elected officials have no incentive to listen to them. A community that is kept together can advocate for

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Remember in November

Since the beginning of time, government accountability has been rooted in the same struggle: where there is power, there is potential for corruption. We’ve seen this throughout our nation’s history, and it’s no surprise–power can be intoxicating. Leaders all around the world and throughout history have proven to be real-life examples of just how destructive

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45 days of intensity

After 45 days of an intense legislative session, I think many of us can agree that it feels more like we’ve aged a few years. These seven weeks brought both the highs that reinvigorated our passion for the issues we fight for, as well as the humbling lows that on some days, brought us to

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Press Release: Better Utah statement on Prop 4 bill

PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 11, 2020 Salt Lake City, UT – Today, S.B. 200, Redistricting Amendments, passed the House with only four nay votes. Lauren Simpson, policy director for Alliance for a Better Utah, issued the following statement:  “We always appreciate bipartisan collaboration on the Hill, and we are grateful for the efforts of

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Lawmakers try to alter voter-approved redistricting reforms

This article originally appeared in the Washington Post. Read it in its entirety here. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — With the census approaching, lawmakers in some states are attempting to alter recent voter-approved measures that were intended to reduce partisan gamesmanship when drawing new voting districts for the U.S. House and state legislatures. In Missouri and

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Press Release: Alliance for a Better Utah statement on Prop 4 compromise

PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 26, 2020 Salt Lake City, UT – Today, lawmakers and Better Boundaries came to a compromise on the Prop 4 replacement bill. Chase Thomas, executive director of Alliance for a Better Utah, issued the following statement: “A majority of Utahns passed Proposition 4 to prevent gerrymandering in our state. With

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