Legislature plays with fire, ignores mainstream Utahns on Count My Vote

Salt Lake City — The Senate Government Operations Committee met today to hear two controversial bills, both sponsored by Sen. Scott Jenkins, that are aimed at gutting the popular Count My Vote reforms.

SJR2 and SB43 passed favorably out of committee along partisan lines, with Republicans voting for the measures.

Alliance for a Better UTAH has released the following the statement:

“The legislature, led by Sen. Scott Jenkins, has acted entirely contrary to the will of mainstream Utahns by passing out of committee the anti-Count My Vote bills,” said Maryann Martindale, executive director. “Their actions today further demonstrate just how out of touch our state legislature is. At a time when Utah voter turnout is at historic lows, the state legislature should be opening the electoral process, not restricting it.”


Isaac Holyoak
Communications Director, Alliance for a Better UTAH
801.664.9751 | isaac@betterutah.org

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