Holding Greg Hughes accountable, Better UTAH calls for hearing Healthy Utah

Salt Lake City — In a press conference today, House Speaker Greg Hughes reiterated his opposition to Healthy Utah and confirmed his resolve to hold back any discussion of the bill. In response, Maryann Martindale, executive director of Alliance for a Better UTAH, has released the following statement:

“The Healthy Utah plan enjoys overwhelming support by a majority of Utahns, it has been shepherded through two years of negotiations by Governor Herbert, vetted and approved by the Utah Senate in committee and two floor debates, and yet, Speaker Hughes believes that a closed-door caucus vote is sufficient to end its process. Constituents deserve to hear their legislators publicly debate this important bill; instead, Hughes is shutting the door on the people.


“Healthy Utah is crucial to the lives of tens of thousands of Utahns who are without healthcare. The Speaker’s dismissal of Healthy Utah in favor of other bills is disingenuous at best and immoral at worst. If Speaker Hughes and his representatives are too afraid to stand by their votes, then they should not be serving the people of Utah.”


Maryann Martindale
Executive Director, Alliance for a Better UTAH
801.557.1532 | maryann@betterutah.org

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