FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, April 21, 2017
CONTACT: Chase Thomas | Alliance for a Better Utah |
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Utahns With Pre-Existing Conditions Could Lose Coverage
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Salt Lake City, UT – Under the new proposed healthcare bill, states may waive participation in federally required Essential Benefits, allowing insurance providers to deny coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions. The White House is pressuring the House to vote on the unreleased legislation next week. Alliance for a Better Utah calls on U.S. Representatives to remember the thousands of Utahns who rely on provisions of the Affordable Care Act and vote against this proposed bill.
Yesterday, Politico released provisional information on what will be included in the legislative text, which has not yet been circulated. Incorporated into the bill is a Limited Waiver Option for states that would allow states to waive federal healthcare standards, including required essential benefits and community ratings, leaving individuals with pre-existing health conditions vulnerable to discrimination by health insurance providers.
“It is alarming GOP representatives are willing to jeopardize the most vulnerable people’s healthcare.” said Chase Thomas, policy and advocacy counsel for Alliance for a Better Utah. “ Instead of taking the time to work out ACA revisions to improve healthcare, the Trump Administration is acting rashly to fulfill campaign promises at the expense of protecting Americans. Although Essential Benefits will be covered in words, in substance it is meaningless because of the ability for states to waive the protection”
This bill follows in the wake of last month’s failed American Health Care Act. The White House believes they are able to whip enough votes in the house this time to pass the legislation. However, many GOP leaders on Capitol Hill have stated they are not as confident they will have enough votes to pass it in the House, as some Republican representatives have expressed opposition.
“We expect our representatives to correct their prior mistake of planning to vote ‘yes’ on the AHCA, against arrant disapproval from their constituents, by voting against the new bill,” Thomas continued. “In Congress’ attempt to reduce premiums, they unquestionably reduce the quality of coverage. Thus, making no improvements to healthcare. Better options for improving the faults of the ACA will be proposed in the future, hopefully protecting those with pre-existing conditions.”
About the Alliance for a Better Utah:
Alliance for a Better Utah is a good government advocacy and watchdog organization based in Salt Lake City. The organization works to improve the lives of all Utahns by ensuring balance, transparency, and accountability in Utah politics, policy, and government. More information at