This article originally appeared on KUTV 2. Read it in its entirety here.
The United States Supreme Court refused on Monday to hear the Utah Republican Party’s case against S.B. 54, which allows Utah political candidates to gather signatures to get their name on a ballot.
The case Utah Republican Party v. Cox, Spencer J. was listed under the court’s “Certiorari Denied” list.
The court refused to hear the case without a reason. This means the law and the current ruling from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals stands.
Phil Wright, the executive director of Keep My Voice, an organization against S.B. 54, released the following statement:
“We sincerely thank the Utah Republican Party for seeing this case to the end, the various legal counselors throughout the judicial process, and to everyone who donated to make this effort a reality. Lastly, we recognize the countless unpaid volunteer delegates who make Utah’s caucus-convention system a success. Despite the current legal setback, Keep My Voice will continue to advocate for giving every individual and neighborhood a representative voice, removing money as the dominant factor in elections and holding elected officials accountable. This has been a long fight for liberty, and we will continue because freedom is always worth fighting for.”
Chase Thomas, executive director of Alliance for a Better Utah, a government advocacy and watchdog organization, said the court’s decision was “a win for the people of Utah.”
“It is a validation of the democratic principles that allow every Utahn to be involved in choosing their government officials, rather than allowing extremist factions to dictate choices for us. As this prolonged and unnecessary controversy is put to rest, we strongly urge government officials and party leaders to move on and cease any legal and legislative attempts to dilute, amend, or repeal this popular law. As for us, we will continue to advocate for policies that increase the ability of every Utahn to be involved in the civic process to the fullest extent possible.”
This article originally appeared on KUTV 2. Read it in its entirety here.