Tag: unemployment

Better Utah responds to premature end of unemployment benefits

PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 12, 2021 Salt Lake City, UT – Today, Governor Cox announced that the additional $300 weekly unemployment benefits and other federal unemployment programs related to the pandemic would end June 26, rather than the federal expiration of Sept. 6. The move to end the unemployment stipend prematurely is a trend among

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Holyoak: Hatch, Lee forsake vulnerable Utahns

Senators Hatch and Lee continue to demonstrate animus toward working Utahns. Isaac Holyoak, communications director for Better UTAH, argued in an op-ed this weekend in the Salt Lake Tribune that Utah’s senators are actively working against Utahns. With a combined 42 years in Washington, D.C., Senators Hatch and Lee are proving that what binds them

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Lee and Hatch turn backs on 20,000 unemployed Utahns

Salt Lake City–While the vote to extend unemployment benefits to the long-term unemployed passed the Senate with bipartisan support in distant Washington D.C., here in Utah, over 20,000 unemployed Utahns are left wondering why Senators Hatch and Lee voted against the measure. Maryann Martindale, executive director of good government group Alliance for a Better UTAH,

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