Tag: senator christenesen

Controversial Medicaid law signed

This article originally appeared in the Moab Times. Read it in its entirety here. As the 2019 session of the Utah Legislature continues into its third week, the debate over Medicaid expansion has dominated the headlines. Demonstrations occurred on the Capitol grounds and inside the legislative chambers as Utah lawmakers worked on a replacement for a voter-approved Medicaid expansion. Utah Senators passed an amended version of Senate Bill

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Despite protests, Utah House secures two-thirds majority for replacement Medicaid plan that allows full expansion as a last resort

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. Under the eyes of a capacity crowd, and with protesters inside and outside their chamber, members of the Utah House voted Friday for a partial Medicaid expansion program that would revert to full expansion in the event federal administrators reject the state’s plans. Representatives voted 56-19 for SB96, securing the two-thirds majority required for immediate

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