Tag: pragmatism

Too much politics, too little pragmatism on Medicaid expansion

Why is the Utah legislature even thinking about debating expanding Medicaid for our state? Is there any motive other than an intra-partisan agenda here? Here are the facts: Governor Gary Herbert has come out in support of expanding Medicaid. House Speaker Becky Lockhart has not, believing that doing so would mean Utah supports Obamacare. Lockhart

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My View: What’s in a name? Obamacare vs. Affordable Care Act

Better UTAH intern Boo Reiser penned an OpEd over the weekend in the Deseret News discussing the Affordable Care Act. He argues that pragmatism should trump ideology in the healthcare debates, even though it rarely does. As a senior studying health communication at the University of Utah, I’ve had numerous discussions about American health care

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My view: Utah needs to expand Medicaid

Eric Rumple, recently retired from a career in corporate finance, and currently one of our favorite volunteers, has been analyzing public policy for the Alliance for a Better UTAH since the beginning of the year. His views on Medicaid are an important voice for understanding why expansion is the correct choice for Utah. Republicans are

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