Tag: op-eds

Better Utah op-ed

Lauren Simpson: Utah’s lawmakers are in election-year mode

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. The Utah legislative session felt different this year. Between COVID-19, an instant repeal of the tax reform passed by the Legislature one month prior and an uncharacteristically slow release of bills, Capitol Hill veterans agreed it was a singularly unique session. And on top of all that, the cloud of the 2020 election loomed over every

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Op-ed: Healthy Utah shows Utah GOP’s intraparty struggle

Two legislators are leading the effort to block Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan in what is turning out to be a showdown between Utah’s legislative and executive branches. “Led by committee co-chairs Dunnigan and Christensen, the Health Reform Task Force voted not to endorse the Healthy Utah Plan, much to the astonishment of observers, the

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Holyoak: Improvements needed in AG’s office

Like any work environment, the Utah Attorney General’s Office has room for improvement. Unlike other work environments, a history of corruption, largely due to unrestricted, dark money campaign contributions, makes improving the environment there much more difficult. In a recent op-ed in the Deseret News, Isaac Holyoak, communications director for Alliance for a Better UTAH, discussed

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