Tag: legislature

Student perspectives get lost at legislative session

Education has lost out recently in attention to gun rights, the attorney general, and air quality, but during the legislative session the biggest question is typically education funding. This is a question–along with other questions concerning sex education, the common core, scholarship standards, and prioritizing STEM fields–where students are largely left out. With the end

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The One Schmuck Rule

When reviewing all the bills each legislative session, there is a common question I find myself repeating: “What is the point of this bill?” When you dig a little further, speak with the sponsor, or hear the bill presented, you’ll often hear mentioned they “have a constituent who had this problem. . . .” I

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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Representative Scorned

On Wednesday, the House Government Operations Committee heard testimony on Representative Patrice Arent’s HB 258, that would eliminate the straight party voting option from future ballots. There are several reasons why we supported the bill and why I spoke in favor of it, including the belief that an electorate should be well informed, that there

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State Legislators Join Alliance for a Better UTAH in Condemning Campaign Lies

Salt Lake City — State Legislators Patricia Jones and Carol Spackman Moss joined with the Alliance for a Better UTAH Friday at the Salt Lake City Cemetery to condemn recent lies in local campaign literature. Maryann Martindale, executive director of the Alliance for a Better UTAH, condemned the hypocrisy of State Republican Party Chair Thomas

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The Herald’s inaccurate critique of the “Democrats'” GRAMA request

In a recent editorial, the Provo Daily Herald castigated the Utah State Democratic Party and all those who supported the release of the Redistricting records, likening their frustration over the intransigence of the Record’s Committee to a “tantrum.” read their editorial here Despite the Herald’s attempt at making this a partisan request, there were several

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McEntee: Fighting for the right to see state records — again

By Peg McEntee The question wouldn’t seem too hard to answer. Under Utah’s Government Records Access and Management Act, Maryann Martindale wants a list of all requests the state has provided for free because they would benefit the public or be in the public’s interest. It’s a natural, given that the state has been awfully

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New OpEd: Utah’s Transparency Problem

Over the past year, despite the public outcry over the anti-transparency HB477, Utah’s Legislature and attorney general have quietly resumed their continuing assault on the principles of open and transparent government. Yet this assault has received little attention. During the 2012 legislative session, Sen. Margaret Dayton, R-Orem, succeeded in passing SB21, which effectively stripped several

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