Tag: healthy utah plan

Gov’s Healthy Utah Plan hits a hurdle at task force meeting

Salt Lake City — The Utah Legislature’s Health Reform Task Force opted today for more of the same by passing a motion not to recommend Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan. Herbert’s plan would provide insurance, at minimal cost to the state, to tens of thousands of Utahns who earn less than other Utahns. In light

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Legislature playing God in debate over healthcare

Here in Utah, the debate over Medicaid Expansion has gone back and forth for more than two years now. It was clear from the beginning that although it would be the simplest and least expensive way to cover the most people, full expansion would never win the support of our elected officials. In fact, in

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Utah and the low-informed voter

The Better UTAH Beat airs Tuesday afternoons on KVNU’s For the People. Podcasts of previous episodes are available here. —– When it comes to Utah politics and policies, Utahns can’t always say why they don’t like something, but they certainly know what they don’t like. Several recent polls have shown the same interesting, although not surprising, data

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Silence on Utah’s Capitol Hill over Gov’s Health Plan

Salt Lake City — Despite a new poll showing overwhelming support for Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan, legislators were silent about expanding health care during their monthly interim session today. Maryann Martindale, executive director of good government group Alliance for a Better UTAH, has released the following statement, calling for urgency in considering health care

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Gov’s health care plan shows compassion, pragmatism

Salt Lake City–The political battle between House Speaker Becky Lockhart and Governor Gary Herbert reached a crescendo today with the unveiling of Herbert’s plan to provide healthcare to poor Utahns. In sharp contrast to Lockhart’s plan, Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan would cover 111,000 people by offering subsidies to purchase private insurance. The Alliance for a

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