Salt Lake City — Despite a new poll showing overwhelming support for Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan, legislators were silent about expanding health care during their monthly interim session today.
Maryann Martindale, executive director of good government group Alliance for a Better UTAH, has released the following statement, calling for urgency in considering health care reform:
“The legislature’s vow of silence on expanding health care to the poorest Utahns must end. Despite broad public support for the adoption of a Utah-centric plan to cover those who fall in the coverage gap, the majority of our legislators remain intractable. Perhaps their own highly affordable, taxpayer-funded health care plans are getting in the way of their ability to see the issue clearly.
“Legislators should be approaching this issue with extreme haste. Instead, their vow of silence on health care reform is doing irreparable harm to the health of thousands of Utahns. This is out-of-touch politics at its woeful best.”
Isaac Holyoak
Communications Director, Alliance for a Better UTAH
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