Tag: Emily Higgins

Commentary: Administration threatens women’s health and freedom

This originally appeared as an op-ed in the Salt Lake Tribune. Growing up, I watched my mom successfully work a full-time job while being the utmost supportive parent to my brother and me. In elementary school, I learned about women like Amelia Earhart and Susan B. Anthony, who broke through the sexist barriers of their time. In high school, I admired women like Ruth Bader

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March for Our Lives and march to the polls

On February 14th, 2018, the entire nation was shaken, once again, with the news of another fatal school shooting in Parkland, Florida. The shooter ultimately killed 17 people with a legally purchased, 223-caliber AR-15 rifle. While this storyline seemed all too familiar, what happened next ignited a counter revolution, nationwide, led by America’s next generation

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