Source: The Desert News
The 2016 presidential election has been described as an earthquake. Actually, it was a political asteroid slamming into the planet, massively altering the environment and triggering the near-extinction of some political species (national pollsters, pundits, experts, etc.). Many writers have dissected the new political order over the last few days, but we have recovered enough from being gobsmacked to offer our opinions (which may not be worth much, having been wrong at every step of the presidential election).
President-elect Donald Trump (very weird to type this) outperformed expectations in Utah and nationally. What does his victory mean for politicos and the country?
Pignanelli: “We have to let history do what it enjoys doing, which is surprising us.” —Peggy Noonan
Millions of decent, compassionate Americans were willing to abide the bizarre instincts of Trump to secure a change. Almost every recognized expert, pollster and consultant could not see, or believe, this dynamic.
Trump disregarded traditional polling measures and once-reliable tactics. He eschewed a campaign ground strategy (relying on the national Republican Party) and focused on rallies and social media — fostering mockery by the political experts.
A furious debate is underway among politicos as to how the unexpected happened, and how to correct their future analysis and predictions.
Every Republican candidate in this country — from presidential to state lawmaker — who faced a difficult challenge should send a thank-you note to Jason Chaffetz,chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Because of him,Hillary Clinton’s email controversy never ended. Furthermore, FBI Director James Comey’s fear of Chaffetz spurred the announcement of a short-lived “reopening” of the investigation — which clearly energized anti-Clinton momentum up and down the ballots across the nation.
Bottom line: A strong message, despite an imperfect messenger, is the strongest vehicle for any success in the 21st century ruled by social media. Admitting the “Donald” got it all right will be a painful exercise for years.
Webb: Republicans now control the presidency, U.S. House, U.S. Senate, two-thirds of governorships and the vast majority of legislative chambers. Expectations are sky-high for Trump and the Republicans to solve the nation’s problems. Now they must deliver, or the same people who voted them in will turn on them.
Trump has a mandate to blow up dysfunctional, gridlocked Washington. I’m all in favor of that. But, by far, the best way to blow up Washington is to reverse the centralization of power and money in the District of Columbia and return it to the states, where government still works and problems get solved. The best way to make the federal government work effectively and efficiently is to restore balanced federalism and elevate states to the role envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Read the Desert News article here