In case you missed it, Governor Herbert declared May as Clean Air Month. The Governor really shot for the moon with his list of suggestions for improvement by including such large-scale offenders as old gas cans, older gas lawn mowers, and toxic house paint. Really, it was earth shattering, I breathed deeper and cleaner air just reading his press release.
In all seriousness, our air is horrible. I have to use an inhaler despite not having asthma. Colds last longer, health risks are up, etc. etc. Something needs to change.
So, what changes? Well, we know from the last legislative session that no one on the hill is very anxious to do anything about it. Several Democratic legislators made suggestions but every single one of their bills, without exception, was dismissed out of hand. Apparently breathing is only a Democratic necessity.
If we can’t convince the legislature to do anything–yet, at least we all can do our part, right?
With that in mind, we at Better UTAH have decided to work on our own environmental impact. Our posts over the next month will focus on some of the steps we’re taking to make Utah a better place to breathe.