Attorney and petitioner statements regarding SB289, Election Offense Amendments

Salt Lake City — In light of this evening’s passage of SB289, Election Offense Amendments, the following statements have been released:

David R. Irvine, Attorney:
“Although they don’t have to change the law to act on our petition, the legislature’s move demonstrates their interest in resolving the Swallow matter. It is, of course, essential to the petition that a neutral arbiter is appointed that is acceptable to the petitioners. Sen. Hillyard’s suggestion that the petition be handed over to prosecutors in the county attorney system is a step in the right direction. Just having the LG make the appointment, given his own conflicts of interest in this case, doesn’t necessarily solve the conflict of interest problem. The bill may be well-intended, but if it doesn’t provide a mechanism to ensure neutrality – like involving the petitioners in the process in a meaningful way, it’s still an insider’s decision.”

Maryann Martindale, Petitioner:
“This paves the way for a full investigation. The fact that the legislature is doing this in such an expedited manner shows that they are taking the complaint seriously. We’re hopeful that this will allow for a thorough investigation and resolution of the complaint. Utahns expect their leaders to be beyond reproach. The legislature’s small, yet significant steps today are a welcome nod to that expectation.”
Alliance for a Better Utah |  801.557.1532   |
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