ALEC Pledge of Allegiance

A recent investigative report by the The Guardian into the practices of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) showed that top ranking members are asked to pledge loyalty to the ALEC agenda.

According to the report, state chairs, apparently including our own Rep. Ken Ivory and Senate President Wayne Niederhauser, were asked to sign a pledge stating, “I will act with loyalty and put the interests of the organization first.”

The pledge is problematic for a whole number of reasons, primary of which is that presumably it would require state legislators to put the interests of ALEC over the interests of their constituents. An ALEC affiliation should never trump the oath of office.

We put together this parody video (shown above). If you’re as mad about ALEC as we are, you can sign this PETITION and tell the IRS to investigate ALEC for violating federal tax law.

And don’t forget to the share video.


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