Turkey of the Year award goes to Utah’s Sen. Mike Lee

Turkeys will soon be gracing Utah tables as families sit down to enjoy their Thanksgiving feast, but turkeys can be found year-round in Utah, especially in government and politics. That’s why good government group Alliance for a Better UTAH polls its supporters to award an annual Turkey award to the state politician who had the most birdbrain ideas. This year’s winner is Sen. Mike Lee.

mike lee imageCompetition was particularly stiff this year, with Lee barely edging out disgraced Attorney General John Swallow. And though the two could likely split the prize, the following top 5 birdbrain moments give Lee the advantage.

1. Lee played Lloyd to Sen. Ted Cruz’s Harry as the two worked together to orchestrate the first government shutdown in 17 years.

2. Lee criticized poor Americans for not taking personal responsibility for their financial decisions and then got out of his own bad decision by short selling his dream home, leaving JP Morgan Chase with a $400,000 bill.

3. Lee voted against the federal Violence Against Women Act, claiming it was unconstitutional.

4. Lee broke with Utah’s senior senator, Orrin Hatch, to vote against protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans from workplace discrimination.

5. Lee goes to Iowa to tell party insiders to stop being the ‘party of no,’ after spending two years in office doing that very thing: saying no.

Congratulations can be sent to Lee at @SenMikeLee (Twitter), mike_lee@lee.senate.gov or 202-224-5444.

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