Tag: utah lawmakers

Better Utah in the News

Utah lawmakers eyeing more restrictions on abortion

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. Read it in its entirety here. SALT LAKE CITY — Utah lawmakers may be moving into the heated abortion debate, as a proposed bill would require a doctor or clinician to perform an ultrasound before performing an abortion, or face a hefty fine. Another bill filed late Friday would ban abortions outright, with a few exceptions. Neither has

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Better Utah in the News

Utah legislature won’t consider bills to censure or recall Romney

This article originally appeared in The Hill. Read it in its entirety here.  Utah lawmakers will not consider measures to censure or recall Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) after he was the only Republican senator to vote to convict President Trump on one of two articles of impeachment earlier this month. Utah House Speaker Brad Wilson (R) said that following a closed caucus meeting, Republican lawmakers had determined they would not

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Time for Utah to be pro-family in action, not just words

This commentary originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Recently, a group of Utah lawmakers introduced a “pro-family” bill package featuring expanded contraceptive access, comprehensive sex education, infertility coverage, childcare options and family leave policies. As a parent, I was impressed. If we are serious about wanting to be a pro-family state in action and

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Commentary: What is the ‘Utah Way’? Depends On Who You Are

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. If you are involved at all in Utah politics, you most likely have heard about the “Utah way” of doing things. But what exactly is the “Utah way?” The New York Times referred to the firing squad as “a Utah way of death.” The arrival of

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Guest opinion: Take one small step to prevent gun violence

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. A few years back, I had the opportunity to experience a slice of Canadian gun control first-hand. I was visiting my sister in Ontario for a birthday celebration, and we may have taken the idea of open-door festivities too far because we woke the next morning to

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