Tag: Better Utah in the News

Better Utah Op-Ed

Katie Matheson: Parents should not face pandemic alone

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. I’m a parent. And like many parents, I often struggle to know what is best for my kids. That comes with the territory of parenting regardless of global events, but is especially true during a pandemic. My latest challenge — knowing whether or not to send my kid to in-person school

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Better Utah in the News

Romney criticizes Trump clearing out peaceful protesters to make way for photo op

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. Read it in its entirety here. SALT LAKE CITY — Sens. Mike Lee and Mitt Romney met Wednesday with Utah National Guard soldiers deployed to Washington, D.C., to help deal with protests over the death of a black man in police custody, as a left-leaning group in Utah urged the governor to call the troops home. Also Wednesday,

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Better Utah in the News

Kaysville City Council issues censure letter for Mayor Katie Witt over her push for public concert amid pandemic

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. Read it in its entirety here. KAYSVILLE — The Kaysville City Council released a letter of censure Wednesday aimed at Mayor Katie Witt expressing deep concerns for her support of a public concert despite health directives and asking her to resign. The letter is on the agenda for Thursday’s City Council meeting, when the censure will be put

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Better Utah in the News

Utah’s no-bid COVID-19 buys spur some lawmakers to seek checks on spending power

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. Read it in its entirety here. SALT LAKE CITY — Frustrated by certain multimillion-dollar, no-bid purchases and contracts that state officials have executed as part of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a pair of lawmakers are drafting legislation to bring more transparency and checks to the state’s emergency procurement powers. Rep. Andrew Stoddard, D-Sandy, and Rep. Suzanne

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Better Utah in the News

Utah should seek to develop federal lands near cities, argues a former lawmaker

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. Utah officials now have a $700,000 tool that they hope will demonstrate the federal government is paying the state a “minuscule fraction” of what it’s due for its public lands. On Friday, a tech firm called Geomancer unveiled the software that Utah lawmakers bought to help them understand the value of the land

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Better Utah in the News

Kaysville City Council passes resolution denouncing a planned protest concert and mayor’s actions to support it

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. The Kaysville City Council — in a revolt against Mayor Katie Witt — was considering turning on sprinklers and cutting power to a city park to stop a protest concert she backed there that openly aimed to defy state COVID-19 restrictions. Word about these possible city actions was enough Thursday to chase

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Better Utah in the News

Concert Moved To Private Property In Grantsville; Yet To File Permit

This article originally appeared on KSL News. Read it in its entirety here. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – A controversial concert that was slated for May 30 in Kaysvillehas been moved to Tooele County, event organizers said. According to an email obtained by KSL from the Kaysville City Business Licensing, the permit for the concert was denied. The group Utah Business Revival is organizing the event,

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Better Utah in the News

Public can testify at virtual legislative hearings — but only with 12 hours’ notice

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. Read it in its entirety here. SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Legislature has a new process to hear public testimony during committee hearings being held virtually because of COVID-19, but would-be participants will have to make a request to speak at least 12 hours in advance. … Although the meetings are being conducted with videoconferencing software, they can only

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Better Utah in the News

Alliance for a Better Utah calls for Kaysville mayor’s resignation over planned concert

This article originally appeared in the Deseret News. Read it in its entirety here. KAYSVILLE — The Alliance for a Better Utah is calling on Kaysville Mayor Katie Witt to resign after she opened up the city to a free outdoor concert May 30 in conjunction with activists opposed to restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Witt expressed her support for the concert in a

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Better Utah in the News

Utah’s no-bid contracts guided by personal contacts, CEO suggestions

This article originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. Read it in its entirety here. In the war on COVID-19, Utah has doled out more than $84 million in no-bid contracts and supply orders outside the normal purchasing process designed to promote transparency, fairness and competition among businesses. These procurement shortcuts were necessary during the pandemic, officials argue, to cope with the urgent need for protective

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