Salt Lake City — Former Attorney General Mark Shurtleff appeared on the Doug Wright Show this morning to proclaim his innocence, and assail his opponents, in an ongoing investigation that stems from multiple investigations into former Attorney General John Swallow.
Isaac Holyoak, communications director for the Alliance for a Better UTAH, has released the following statement, commenting on the need for balance in discussing the investigations surrounding Shurtleff and Swallow:
“John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff have a consistent tactic – deflect, deflect and deflect some more. And Doug Wright has been their willing accomplice, allowing them to come on his show at each stage of this serious investigation and deflect attention from the accusations of their own wrongdoing. If the police acted improperly, that should certainly be investigated, but the issuance and execution of search warrants are routine in criminal investigations and Mark Shurtleff, of all people, knows that.
“The Doug Wright Show is trusted by tens of thousands of Utahns as a source of news and truth rather than as merely an alternative to Hannity-style talk radio. We should be able to look to Mr. Wright for the full story, not for a footnote to the full story. We challenge Wright to dedicate equal amounts of airtime to investigating the complete story behind accusations of the ethical practices of our last two attorneys general–a full 13 years of the office’s history. Like Shurtleff this morning, Swallow has previously appeared on Wright’s show proclaiming his innocence. Perhaps Mr. Wright should have Mr. Swallow return to answer the findings of the Lt. Governor’s election law report or the findings of the report issued by the Utah House of Representatives.”
Isaac Holyoak
Communications Director, Alliance for a Better UTAH
801.664.9751 |