Nearly every profession will expect you to have relevant work experience or at least one internship before your application is even considered, regardless if it’s beneficial or not. For most students, scheduling time to be wasted is more than a nuisance. However, my time at Alliance for a Better Utah was more beneficial than I could have imagined, opening my eyes to the unique field of which I had no prior knowledge of: nonprofit political advocacy.
The most gratifying part of my internship at ABU was working on real substantive projects that concerned issues I found most important. I continuously learned new workplace skills, which I have already been able to apply to outside practices, putting me at an advantage over my peers — and who doesn’t appreciate that? My assignments did not solely consist of research and writing; I was tasked with fun projects like guest speaking on a podcast, attending panel discussions, and crafting “missing” signs on milk cartons.
I had the unique opportunity of shadowing Chase at the Utah State Capitol during the 2017 Legislative Session. Observing the process in action, I did in-depth research analysis on the current policies were being proposed and passed. Although there were a few mundane appropriation meetings I sat through, in contrast, I got to sit through some of the most emotional and intense committee meetings about testing sexual assault kits. My professional network grew to include house members, senators, and some of the most influential people in Utah, both in and out of government.
However, my favorite part about being a Better Utah Intern was working with the ABU team — a compilation of some of the most intelligent, driven, and funny people I have encountered to date. Immediately after I started, I felt welcomed and valued as a part of the team. They encouraged my growth and aided me when I struggled. On top of that, ABU is an organization I can wholeheartedly support because it is not only an agent for positive impact but an all-around phenomenal organization.
Alliance for a Better Utah provided me with an invaluable experience and is an organization I am proud to say I was a part of.
– Keaton M. Quinn