
RadioActive: July 26, 2017

Source: KRCL

Hosted by Lara Jones and Nick Burns, tonight’s RadioActive featured a host of guests getting ready to march or rally for public education, public lands, and medical cannabis. Guests included:

  • Sarah Gene Hjalmarson, Board Member, Equality Utah, offers reaction and insight on the early morning tweets from Pres. Trump banning transgender individuals from serving in the military.
  • Brad Asay, American Federation of Teachers of Utah, on how much federal budget cuts will cost Utah schools. A March for Public Education is planned for Saturday, 10 a.m., at the downtown City Library, 210 E. 400 S., SLC.
  • Don’t Panic It’s Organic will be the theme of a rally Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Utah Capitol. Utah residents for Medical Cannabis’ Dave Karst and Aubrie Scoffield explain.
  • Today marks the start of the last Outdoor Retailer convention in Salt Lake City. A tradeshow for businesses in the outdoor recreation industry, OR will also feature a March for Public Lands—This Land is Our Land. Louis Geltman, policy director for the Outdoor Alliance, and Tim Brass, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, explain the march, which will take palce Thursday at 4:30 p.m. If you’d like to attend meet at the south plaza of the Salt Lake Convention Center, 200 South and West Temple, SLC. Be prepared to march up to Utah’s Capitol, where a slate of speakers will hold forth on public lands policy and actions.
  • Moving Forward, Utah’s Future Beyond Coal, a new report from the ABU Education Fund, puts hard numbers to Utah’s outdoor recreation economy. ABU’s Madison Hayes explains, while Ron Johnson of Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch and Suzanne Catlett of Escalante and Boulder Chamber of Commerce share their success stories as business owners in that sector.

Plus Equality Utah on Trump’s twitter-announced policy banning transgender individuals serving in the military, and Moving Forward: Utah’s Future Beyond Coal, a report that says “outdoor-recreation economy dwarfs the declining coal industry” in Utah.

Listen to radio segment here.

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