Press Release: Better Utah responds to HB197


Salt Lake City, UT – Today, the House Government Operations committee voted 7-3 to advance HB197, Voter Affiliation Amendments, (Representative Jordan Teuscher, R). The bill will continue on to the full House. 

Lauren Simpson, policy director for Alliance for a Better Utah, issued the following statement: 

“When Utahns affiliate with a political party in order to vote in an election, they are not ‘gaming the system,’ they are participating in democracy. Political power fundamentally belongs with the people. Utahns should have the freedom to affiliate how they wish and vote for the candidates of their choice. The Legislature should stop this bad-government bill before it goes any further.” 


Alliance for a Better Utah is a nonprofit that holds politicians accountable and advocates for progressive policies that make Utah an even better place. The organization improves the lives of all Utahns through advocacy, transparency, and accountability in Utah politics, policy, and government. More information at

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