
Mia Love dodges town hall meetings: ‘She doesn’t want to face the voters’

Source: Raw Story and OpEdNews.com

Yet another Republican is catching heat from constituents for refusing to hold town hall meetings.

Representative Mia Love (R-UT) hasn’t held a town hall meeting since last fall, the Deseret News reports.

Chase Thomas of the Alliance for a Better Utah said they were “a little disappointed that she keeps on refusing to have town hall meetings with her constituents.”

“It just feels like she doesn’t want to face the voters on all those major issues her constituents are worried about,” he said. “A lot more people are able to come to a town hall.”

In February, then-Utah GOP Chairman James Evans advised the entire state congressional delegation to stop holding town hall meetings after Congressman Jason Chaffetz was jeered by constituents for refusing to stand up to President Donald Trump. Subsequently, Rep. Chaffetz announced he would be retiring for congress.

Across the country, Republicans have been sharply criticized in town hall meetings, especially on the topics of health insurance repeal and President Trump.

Rep. Mia Love voted in May for the American Health Care Act (ACHA), better known as Trumpcare. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted the legislation would result in tens of millions of Americans losing health insurance.

Read Raw Story article here or OpEdNews article here.

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