
Meet our interns, Part 2: Hillary Pierce

We’re happy to welcome three university students who will be interning with us during the legislative session this year. They’ll be posting regularly about the specific issues they are following and their experiences on the hill. This week, they are taking a moment to introduce themselves. Second up is Hillary Pierce. Hillary is a senior majoring in political studies and sociology at Westminster College. We’re excited to have her on board.
I’m Hillary Pierce and I am one of the new interns working at Alliance for a Better UTAH during this year’s legislative session. I am a senior at Westminster College majoring in Political Studies and Sociology with a minor in History. I grew up in Utah and currently live in Taylorsville. I am very passionate about working for the rights of disadvantaged groups and I am excited to hopefully make progress during the session.

I will be focusing on issues relating to civil rights and liberties. I have been very active in issues that relate to equality during my four years at Westminster. I am a leader in our campus’ Gay Straight Alliance and have worked to increase acceptance at our school. I have helped organize Pride Week, World AIDS Day testing, and guest lectures to expand the knowledge of LGBT issues. I have also worked with both our Student Government and Diversity Center to improve institutional social justice. My specific policy interests are in LGBT rights, women’s issues, minority rights and especially voting rights.

I am very excited to work with everyone here and see what the 2013 legislative session will bring. I hope that it will be full of productive debates and positive legislation that helps those that most need it in our communities. I am ready to be a voice at the Capitol for those who might not usually have one. I am ready to get to work.  

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