
Martindale: A Balanced Approach to Taxes

In case you missed it, Better UTAH Executive Director Maryann Martindale discussed tax policy in a recent OpEd at the Salt Lake Tribune.

The proposed budget and accompanying tax increase are a great example of effective government in action. Voters have twice elected fiscally-conservative Democrat Peter Corroon, and now McAdams, to the county mayor’s office. They have similarly elected a majority of fiscally-conservative, moderate Republicans to the County Council. This is divided government. This is balance.

But such political balance is anathema and unrecognizable to the Utah Taxpayers Association. They prefer a Grover Norquist-type “no tax increases ever” approach, with a supermajority, one-party Legislature and executive branch that gives us such things as HB477 and abstinence-only sex education.

     The full editorial can be found here.
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