In S.B. 54 Filing, Bishop and Lee Choose Party Over Constituents

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 21, 2018

Salt Lake City, UT – After Senator Mike Lee and Representative Rob Bishop, among others, filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the Utah Republican Party’s appeal on S.B. 54, Alliance for a Better Utah issued the following statement:

“It is extremely disappointing that Senator Lee and Representative Bishop have chosen to side with a small group of extreme party delegates that have been attempting to control the political process in Utah, rather than supporting their constituents’ desires. It is especially ironic that Lee, an aggressive advocate of the 10th Amendment, is now asking the Supreme Court to dictate how a state can run its elections.

“Utahns have repeatedly expressed strong support for the dual-pathway system established under S.B. 54. In the past three years, Utahns have consistently seen candidates who won at convention lose to candidates who gathered signatures. The signature-gathering process results in candidates who better represent the values of their constituencies. Consequently, it is disappointing to see members of Utah’s federal delegation attempt to override the will of the people by stripping away this path to the ballot.”


Alliance for a Better Utah is a good government advocacy and watchdog organization based in Salt Lake City. The organization works to improve the lives of all Utahns by ensuring balance, transparency, and accountability in Utah politics, policy, and government. More information at

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