Salt Lake City — Maryann Martindale, executive director of the Alliance for a Better UTAH, released the following statement this morning, responding to the National Rifle Association’s press conference:
“Keep the NRA out of our schools. Qualified professionals in public safety are better equipped to make plans to protect our children, not the gun-selling, gun-toting National Rifle Association that is more interested in making sure its clients maintain good market share than whether or not our children are safe and protected. The NRA not only has a hold on our national leaders, but has strangled progress in our own state legislature.
“The Salt Lake Tribune singled out state representative Curt Oda in their masthead editorial today as harboring a particularly ludicrous approach to reducing gun violence, but Oda’s ideas are widespread in the state legislature. Many of our state legislators are more loyal to their guns and the NRA than their own constituents, preventing them from dispassionately approaching the problem of gun violence. Whatever steps we take over the next couple of weeks, this much should remain true: Keep the NRA out of our schools.”
Alliance for a Better Utah | 801.557.1532 |
The Alliance for a Better UTAH is a year-round, multi-issue education and advocacy organization providing resources, commentary, and action on important public policy matters.