Sheryl Allen 1

Partisan School Board Lawsuit Announcement

This morning, our partner organization, the ABU Education Fund, joined as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the State of Utah to challenge the 2016 law, SB 78, establishing partisan elections for the State Board of Education. We have joined with the Utah PTA, Utahns for Public Schools, and several individuals to challenge this law because it is bad for schools and bad for our kids.

As an organization that seeks to educate the public on policy issues around the state, in addition to increasing civic engagement, the ABU Education Fund has seen firsthand the corrosive nature of partisan politics. While political parties are arguably necessary for the functioning of most of our government, it has no place in our school boards.

Those leading our state’s schools should not be subjected to a political “purity test.” They should not be selected by only a handful of partisan delegates representing extreme views.

Those serving on the State Board of Education should be there because of the passion they have for serving our schools and children, not solely because of a letter placed next to their name on the ballot or as a stepping stone to higher political office.

If you agree with us, we highly encourage you to donate today to the ABU Education Fund in support of this groundbreaking lawsuit. All donations are tax-deductible and will go towards our amazing lawyers who have put in long hours in support of this cause.


You can learn more about the lawsuit by reading our press release and accompanying fact sheet here, watching this morning’s press conference below, or reading the filed complaint at the bottom of the page. 

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