Utah Couple Wins Better Beehive for Sex-Ed Repeal Petition

Salt Lake City — This week’s fourth Better Beehive Award goes to a Murray, Utah couple for their efforts in starting a petition rallying against the legislature’s passage of a so-called “abstinence-only” bill. The petition ultimately led to Governor Gary Herbert’s veto of the controversial law.

Paul and Sandy KruegerActivists Sandy and Paul Krueger started the online petition after becoming increasingly frustrated with the state legislature’s unwillingness to listen to its constituents. The legislature had passed HB 363 in an attempt to remove sexual education from the curriculum of Utah schools by mandating an even stricter abstinence-only curriculum, as well as giving schools the option of dropping sexual education altogether. The move was overwhelmingly opposed by Utah citizens. The Kruegers seized on that opposition at just the right moment, creating a chain of events that ultimately led to the bill’s defeat.

“The Kruegers petition is a perfect example of how one small act can have such a profound effect,” said Maryann Martindale, executive director of the Alliance for a Better UTAH. “Playing a role in making Utah a better place doesn’t always require huge amounts of money, running your own organization or being an elected leader. Sometimes just caring enough is all it takes.”

Each day this week the Alliance for a Better UTAH will announce a winner of its 2012 Better Beehive Awards. The award recognizes five notable Utahns and groups for their progressive efforts this year. More information can be found at: http://betterutah.org/better-beehive-awards-2012/

Previous Winners
Wednesday’s Better Beehive went to the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial board for its decision to retract a poll that had originally erred in its prediction of the results for the Salt Lake County mayoral race between Ben McAdams and Mark Crockett.

Tuesday’s Better Beehive Award went to the cities of Harrisville and Springdale for enacting ordinances this year that bar employment and housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Monday’s Better Beehive Award winner was retiring state senator Ross Romero. The Alliance for a Better UTAH recognized Romero for his efforts to secure the release to the public of the legislature’s 2010 redistricting records.
Alliance for a Better Utah |  801.557.1532   | www.betterutah.org
The Alliance for a Better UTAH is a year-round, multi-issue education and advocacy organization providing resources, commentary, and action on important public policy matters.

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