Tag: mailer

Jim Dunnigan and Public Lands

Jim Dunnigan voted in favor of taking legal action leading to Utah’s control of federal lands. This bill – in its aim for state sovereignty – would mean your loss of hunting, fishing, and recreating grounds in favor of private interests. Dunnigan voted for a frivolous land grab lawsuit that would cost Utahns hundreds of millions

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Jim Dunnigan and the Prison

Concerns about the prison relocation began as far back as 2013. City Weekly reported fears of conflicts of interest regarding unlocking land for development and connections to Sen. Niederhauser, who stood to profit from the prison relocation. As discussions continued over the following years, public comment was not considered during prison meetings, and a 2015 poll

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Jim Dunnigan and Health Care

The Salt Lake Tribune wrote an editorial in March 2016 calling Dunnigan’s Medicaid bill “a shameful admission that anti-federal, anti-poor, anti-administration politics matter more in Utah, or at least in its so-called House of Representatives, than does anything approaching human decency.” Some scathing words! Although his bill covered the neediest of the needy, thousands were

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