Tag: gary herbert

On political end zone dances

The Better UTAH Beat airs Tuesday afternoons on KVNU’s For the People. Podcasts of previous episodes are available here. —– When a football player makes a touchdown they sometimes perform what is known as an end zone dance.  The player is excited, they just scored a goal, they want to revel a bit, so many of them

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Silence on Utah’s Capitol Hill over Gov’s Health Plan

Salt Lake City — Despite a new poll showing overwhelming support for Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan, legislators were silent about expanding health care during their monthly interim session today. Maryann Martindale, executive director of good government group Alliance for a Better UTAH, has released the following statement, calling for urgency in considering health care

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For Utah Gov. gay marriage is a giant worth fighting

Pennsylvania’s conservative governor announced Wednesday that he will not appeal a federal court decision that invalidated his state’s gay marriage ban because he believes an appeal has little chance of succeeding. Meanwhile, Utah’s politically similar Gov. Gary Herbert, along with Attorney General Sean Reyes, has continued his crusade against gay marriage in an effort that is quickly becoming quixotic.

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Herbert sounds sensible on land use in Nevada

The Better UTAH Beat airs Tuesday afternoons on KVNU’s For the People. Podcasts of previous episodes are available here. —– Today’s Better UTAH Beat is not about a rancher in Nevada who has been ripping off taxpayers to the tune of one million dollars over the last two decades. It isn’t about his assemblage of a ragtag

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Legislative session like a bowl of cold cereal

I don’t like breakfast cereal. Not because it’s not good, it just never satisfies me. I could eat a whole box and still be hungry for more. This is how I feel about the 2014 legislative session. Going into the session there were a number of important issues on the table and sadly, a lot

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Gov’s health care plan shows compassion, pragmatism

Salt Lake City–The political battle between House Speaker Becky Lockhart and Governor Gary Herbert reached a crescendo today with the unveiling of Herbert’s plan to provide healthcare to poor Utahns. In sharp contrast to Lockhart’s plan, Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan would cover 111,000 people by offering subsidies to purchase private insurance. The Alliance for a

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Medicaid expansion should not be political casualty

Salt Lake City — The Coalition for a Compassionate Utah organized last Fall with the express purpose of showing Governor Herbert that compassionate Utahns support the expansion of Medicaid. Now that Gov. Herbert has recognized the importance of ensuring that Utahns have access to healthcare, and has acknowledged that doing nothing is not an option,

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What does a 50K campaign contribution get you?

The Better UTAH Beat airs Tuesday afternoons on KVNU’s For the People. Podcasts of previous episodes are available here. —– Since Governor Gary Herbert first ran for the post in 2010, he has received eight donations over 50,000 dollars and around 100 donations over 10 thousands dollars. Herbert is rolling in the dough. With all that money,

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On air quality, legislature sends mixed-signals

Air quality in Utah is among the unhealthiest in the nation. Forbes magazine has ranked Salt Lake City as the ninth most toxic city in the United States, paired along with the American Lung Associations “F” grade of Salt Lake County for the two most important components of air pollution, ozone and particulate matter.¹ Why

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