Tag: engagement

Local government makes America great

With the exception of the photo of me here after having just voted early, there isn’t anything very sexy about voting in your municipal primaries. I guess that is the nature of local government. Unlike voting for the President of the United States, when the polling stations are buzzing with enthusiastic voters both nervous and

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Municipal elections matter

Better UTAH Beat Episode 59 – August 6, 2013 It can be hard to care about much of anything in August. The days are hot even while they start to get shorter. After weeks without much water, gardens are droopy and sad-looking, lawns a little more yellow. Meanwhile, kids all over the country are dreading

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Try listening to youth to engage them

This week I found myself in the company of progressives socializing over breakfast. At every table there were three typed questions that the groups could use as starting points for discussion. This was the first one: How can we get folks from ages 18-35 involved in the political process and why do you think they’re

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