NEW VIDEO – Mia Love: Washington Insider
Mia Love claims to be an independent “political outsider.” But the evidence is piling up that her claims may not be very accurate.
Mia Love claims to be an independent “political outsider.” But the evidence is piling up that her claims may not be very accurate.
For Immediate Release: Friday, June 1, 2012 Better UTAH Says Love’s Budget “Devastating For Utah” _________________________________________________________________________ After Congressional Candidate Mia Love’s budget plan was released yesterday, Better UTAH says it will negatively impact hundreds of thousands of Utah families and is devastating for the state. Maryann Martindale, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Better
Mia Love, candidate for Congressional District 4 can’t quite get her rhetoric to match her actual record. As Mayor of Saratoga Springs, when their deficit began to rise she solved the problem by cutting expenditures, then raising taxes by 116%. But now that she’s a candidate all we hear from Mia Love is how she
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