Better UTAH Beat episode 27! Redistricting Documents Finally Released
The Utah Legislature has finally decided to be transparent and release the redistricting documents – just days AFTER the election. What’s in them?
The Utah Legislature has finally decided to be transparent and release the redistricting documents – just days AFTER the election. What’s in them?
After a severe thrashing in the election, national GOP leaders are considering taking a softer stance on issues like immigration. But locally, the Utah Republicans in the State Legislature are threatening to go further to the extreme.
Utah 2nd Congressional District candidate Chris Stewart has gotten himself in hot water this week after he got caught lying about receiving federal stimulus money. Plus, his strained relationship with fellow LDS Members.
Negative campaigning may be inevitable, but it still needs to be rooted in fact. Better UTAH discusses why this new false advertising erodes our democracy using the example of the Utah Republican Party which was caught doctoring images to make Democrats look bad.
Must be October! Campaigns are in full swing, but some weird moments have been popping up in the campaigns of Mark Crockett (SLCO Mayor), John Dougall (State Auditor) and Mia Love (Congress, District 4)
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