Reyes Announces Departure from Tarnished Utah AG’s Office

Salt Lake City, UT – In a video posted to social media this afternoon, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes announced he will not run for reelection next year. 

Alliance for a Better Utah issued the following statement in response: 

“During his time in office, Sean Reyes has continued to tarnish the image of the Utah Attorney General’s Office. Upon his appointment, Utahns received an extreme politician focused more on scoring partisan points as a member of the Republican Attorney Generals Association and being a toady for MAGA Donald Trump and disgraced Tim Ballard. From his travels to Qatar for the World Cup to Nevada for election meddling, Reyes showed that he was more interested in making a name for himself than representing the people of Utah. 

“We look forward to the results of the legislative audit into the Attorney General’s Office. And while we as of yet do not have a position on the proposal, we also are anticipating the upcoming legislative discussion around how our state selects its chief legal officer. Utahns deserve a public servant, not a partisan exhibitionist.” 

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