Salt Lake City, UT – In response to the announcement that the Legislature will not be passing tax reform this session, Chase Thomas, executive director of Alliance for a Better Utah, issued the following statement:
“We commend lawmakers for taking time on this issue and picking tax reform up later this year. Whether it’s studied during interim or taken up during a special session, we hope the process allows for sufficient public input, not only by business interests but by the public as well. We support these efforts to modernize our tax system, securing much needed revenue for the future. But we would urge lawmakers to leave the income tax rate alone so that our schools can receive much needed investment. Our children are counting on us to secure a bright future for them, and we can’t do it without adequate funding for K-12 education.”
Alliance for a Better Utah is a good government advocacy and watchdog organization based in Salt Lake City. The organization works to improve the lives of all Utahns by ensuring balance, transparency, and accountability in Utah politics, policy, and government. More information at