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Obama slams new Republican healthcare bill


For one thing, the Senate’s health care bill would defund Planned Parenthood for a year. They’re not particularly good for people who are sicker, and they’re not good for people who are older.

The healthy could buy less expensive plans that cover fewer services. The House bill would let states apply through waivers to let insurance carriers offer skimpier plans. It also eliminates Obamacare’s health insurance mandate.

A study conducted by the liberal watchdog Media Matters for America found in the first two weeks of June, CNN’s total coverage of the Senate health care deliberations in that time period (22 minutes and eight seconds) lagged well behind both Fox News (42 minutes and 15 seconds) and MSNBC (47 minutes and 53 seconds). Under the Trumpcare bill from the Senate, if you buy your own insurance, you have to pay more for your coverage. While Obama has repeatedly defended the Affordable Care Act, which represents perhaps his most significant domestic legislative achievement, Thursday’s statement was even more pointed than his previous comments.

Democrats blasted the bill, which was drafted in secret, while most Republicans took a more measured approach and left their intentions unknown, with many moderate members saying they were taking time to read the bill and analyze its impact. Here’s a breakdown of the percentage of federal funding each state receives, with those in dark blue receiving the most support.

Dr. Ben Danielson, senior medical director at Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic in Seattle, which serves mostly Medicaid patients, mocked the priorities of the Republican legislation. Donald Trump has also vowed to defund it. One protestor being carried out by police was reportedly dropped.

This is really an interesting question because I actually am a big believer in bipartisanship, in large part because I don’t think our country deserves to go through the back-and-forth of changing our health care system every election cycle.

On taxes, a working group of four top lawmakers is meeting weekly in hopes of coming up with a unified GOP tax plan for a vote this fall.

A decrease in Medicaid dollars for family planning services could lead to a rise in unexpected pregnancies among low-income women.

Estimates on how many veterans would lose their healthcare under the bill vary, but several outlets believe that millions of veterans would lose coverage under the current plan.

The Senate measure, like the House bill, would phase out the extra money that the federal government has provided to states as an incentive to expand eligibility for Medicaid.

Susan Collins of ME said it was “too soon” to judge the bill and she has some concerns about cuts to Medicaid after 2025 and defunding of Planned Parenthood. States don’t have the resources to make up the difference, so they would likely reduce eligibility, curtail benefits or cut provider payments. He still has concerns over the new Senate version, especially on the Medicaid cuts.

About 36 percent of respondents favored letting states limit how long people can qualify for Medicaid, the same as supported cutting federal funds for the program’s expansion.

The Utah Health Policy Project joined with Voices for Utah’s Children, Disability Law Center of Utah, Alliance for a Better Utah, Comunidades Unidas (Communities United), Utah Statewide Independent Living Council, Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities and Utah Family Voices to issue a demand for an open debate process. The bill would widen that band to five-to-one.

The health care bill could underscore the perils of the president’s poor job approval ratings, which have hovered around 40 percent this year. Those in their early 60s would have to pay up to 16.2% of their income towards coverage, compared to a maximum of 6.4% for 20-somethings. I think people would have liked to have had more enforcement of competition, more affordability for people in the middle class.

Only those earning up to 350% of the poverty level ($41,600 in 2017) would qualify, rather than the 400% threshold ($47,500 in 2017) contained in Obamacare. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions could become the norm again. Under Obamacare, insurers must provide 10 essential health benefits, including maternity, mental health, substance abuse and prescription drugs.

Underscoring the sensitivity of the bill, Sen.

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