New campaign to hold legislators accountable for Healthy Utah votes

Salt Lake City — Good government group Alliance for a Better UTAH is launching a campaign to hold Rep. Jim Dunnigan and Sen. Allen Christensen accountable for their roles in blocking Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan.

Herbert’s plan, while still falling short of full Medicaid expansion, would allow access to affordable health insurance for thousands of working Utahns who fall in the coverage gap. It is supported by a majority of Utahns, according to recent polling.

A campaign website was launched earlier today at and a series of mailers have been sent to households in Dunnigan and Christensen’s districts. Those mailers can be seen here.

Better UTAH’s executive director, Maryann Martindale, released the following statement at the launch of the campaign:

“Dunnigan and Christensen have ignored their constituents and imperilled the health of thousands of Utah families by blocking Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan. We hope Utahns will take note of their actions and respond by voicing their support for Healthy Utah. All Utahns, regardless of how much they earn, should have access to affordable health insurance.”


Isaac Holyoak
Communications Director, Alliance for a Better UTAH
801.664.9751 |

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