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Lobbyist group prepares to sue the state more school funding

Source: Eleven News

One Utah lobbyist group wants more money for public schools and they intend to take the issue to court.

The alliance for a better Utah said it’s preparing to sue the state to force lawmakers to increase funding for public education. The group said Utah spends the least amount of money per student out of any state in the nation and they say the budget is not keeping pace with population increases.

Better Utah founder, Josh Kanter, said the state is dodging its constitutional duty.

“The legislature—while they’ve taken baby steps occasionally—has not really been willing to take bold action and really fix this and meet the state’s requirement to provide a solid and adequate public education system,” Kanter said.

The organization said it’s optimistic about the case, though Kanter says he wishes it didn’t have to come to this.

Read Eleven News article and watch video here.

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