Wide-reaching FEC Complaint names Lee, Swallow, Johnson, McMillan, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Jane & John Doe
Salt Lake City–Good government group Alliance for a Better UTAH recently filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, asking the FEC to investigate allegations that Senator Mike Lee accepted straw donations in his 2010 bid for United States Senate.
The complaint includes allegations that Lee accepted improper campaign donations from Ron McMillan and J.P. Morgan Chase in the short-sale of his Alpine, Utah home.
Also included in the complaint are Utah Attorney General John Swallow, Jeremy Johnson and the unidentified straw donors, Jane and John Doe, who may have conspired to circumvent Federal election laws, and Ron McMillan and J.P. Morgan Chase, each of whom may have engaged in transactions with Senator Lee that allegedly constitute unreported campaign donations to the Lee campaign.
Maryann Martindale, lead filer on the complaint, has released the following statement:
“Campaign finance violations are an abuse of the public’s trust. This sort of behavior, on the heels of serious corruption in the Utah Attorney General’s Office, does immeasurable harm to Utah’s already low civic engagement rates. Whether Lee knew of these potential violations or not, he owes it to his constituents, the citizens of the State of Utah, to call for a full, complete and independent investigation into these allegations, to immediately return any illegal donations that are discovered, and to fully cooperate with the FEC and any other investigations into these matters.”
A PDF of the complaint can be found here: http://betterutah.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/FEC_complaint.pdf
Isaac Holyoak
Communications Director, Alliance for a Better UTAH
801.664.9751 | isaac@betterutah.org