Prioritizing people during a pandemic

Chiara Kim is a policy intern with Alliance for a Better Utah. My non-verbal, autistic brother moved into a group home when he was 14. In the six years since, my family has been grateful for the services that state funding has helped provide. The residential staff, behavioral therapist, day …

Job Opening: Digital Communications Associate

DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE Alliance for a Better Utah is seeking a part-time or full-time communications associate to join our team to help support our mission by growing the digital capacity of our progressive communications work. The Digital Communications Associate primary role is to develop and manage all digital communications plans …

The free market can’t solve all our problems

Over the past several weeks, the United States has been having a long-overdue conversation about policing, including calls for police divestment. As one Dallas police chief expressed back in 2016:  “We’re asking cops to do too much in this country. We are. We’re just asking us to do too much. …

Some lawmakers are already doing the work

In January of 2018, I attended a panel aimed at millennials to better understand Utah’s Legislative Session. It had been nearly a year since I had graduated from law school, and I was still struggling to find work and searching for purpose. I felt too shy to show up to …

How should we rebuild?

Jonathan Ruga is the vice-chair of the Better Utah Board. Brian Jones is director of government relations at Sentry Financial. COVID-19 has impacted our world in extraordinarily negative ways. Millions have been infected, hundreds of thousands have died, many of our healthcare systems have been exposed as grossly inadequate, and …

Why is it so controversial to wear a mask?

As the person whose job it is to moderate Alliance for a Better Utah’s social media accounts, I spend an uncomfortable amount of time reading through social media posts and comments. And when it comes to comments about the pandemic and how we as a society survive and heal, it’s …

Remember in November

Since the beginning of time, government accountability has been rooted in the same struggle: where there is power, there is potential for corruption. We’ve seen this throughout our nation’s history, and it’s no surprise–power can be intoxicating. Leaders all around the world and throughout history have proven to be real-life …

People are not experiencing the pandemic the same

By Darlene McDonald This week, the number of Americans who have died from Covid-19 reached a bleak milestone. The number of people who have died from Covid-19 surpassed the number of Americans killed during the twenty-year Vietnam War. That is a heartbreaking reality of the devastation brought on by a …

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