Better Utah delivers #StillWaiting t-shirts to legislators encouraging Medicaid expansion

Salt Lake City, Utah – The Alliance for a Better Utah delivered #StillWaiting t-shirts this afternoon to Utah legislators to emphasize the need for continued discussion on Medicaid expansion as we move beyond this legislative session.

The full copy of the letter is below:

Dear Senator,

We first want to acknowledge and recognize the progress made to provide Medicaid coverage to the approximately 17,500 Utahns who will be covered under HB437: Health Care Revisions. These individuals – the chronically homeless, those dealing with substance abuse, and recently incarcerated – clearly need support and the bill will hopefully help them turn around their lives.

Nonetheless, the Alliance for a Better Utah stands with the approximately 85,000 Utahns who were left out of this bill. By now, you have heard their stories and know they are good, hard working people living just one medical bill away from needing additional support from the government. We, as compassionate Utahns, owe it to them to provide a path to independence, self sufficiency, and security, and we believe that expanding Medicaid is an important, fiscally responsible, and required step to that end.

Many Senators and Representatives noted that HB437 is just the first step, and we are committed to holding them to their word.  We ask and hope that you will continue this discussion into 2017 and beyond until all those living without access to affordable care have the security of coverage.

Please accept this t-shirt as a symbol and reminder of those fellow Utahns who are #StillWaiting. Thank you for your work and commitment to making a Better Utah for all.


Alliance for a Better Utah


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