Here are two updates I wanted to share with you from the session last week:
UTAH LAKE: Conserve Utah Valley held a rally at the Capitol Building on Monday last week to protest Lake Restoration Solution’s proposal to deepen Utah Lake and use the dredged materials to create manufactured islands for development and recreation. Over 500 Utahns attended the rally, where a petition of over 6,000 signatures was presented to lawmakers.

The very next day, the House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee approved HB240 from Rep. Keven Stratton approved HB240 by a vote of 7-6. Rather than having a state agency sign off on the transfer of public lands in exchange for restoring the lake, this bill would bring the decision back to the Legislature and Governor.
This project would drastically alter the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River. The only sure thing is that it would be a financial boon for developers—you can learn more and sign a petition opposing the project here.
would ban vote-by-mail and voter registration drives and institute independent audits like the one we recently saw in Arizona. Over the past year, we’ve seen several proposals to restrict ballot access, mostly perpetuating The Big Lie of election security issues following the 2020 election.
Luckily, it seems like a voter initiative to make these changes won’t receive the number of needed signatures by tomorrow. Our best guess is that Lyman’s bill won’t make it into law either because Utahns really like voting by mail. But we have to remain vigilant in ensuring that every Utahn has access to exercising their right to vote.
Join us and the rest of the Let Utah Vote Coalition in asking leaders not to introduce, advance, pass, or sign any law that restricts access to voting by mail, voting early, voter registration, or any other aspect of access to our democracy. Then share with your friends and family!
You can find a list of more bills that we are following on our 2022 Legislative Session Bill Tracker on our website here. If you want to speak up and voice your opinion on any of these bills, you can email your representative here and your senator here.
As always, we thank you for your continued support and all that you do to make Utah an even better place.